Fabianus Selatang


The purpose of this paper is to find the meeting point of Neo-Confucian
philosophy concept of Great Harmony with the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur
about human existence. The notion of Great Harmony in the Neo-Kunghucuism
philosophy will be explored in the thinking of Chou Tun-I, Cheng and Chu
Hsi philosophers. These three philosophers initiated the concept of Great
Harmony by displaying different characteristics and characteristics. Though
they are different, , the direction of the three talks leads the reader to discover
the meaning and meaning of human existence which Paul Recoeur referred
to as a hermeneutic creature. In an attempt to elaborate the idea of Great
Harmony and human existence, the author uses the hermeneutic method. The
conclusion is that human existence has a double meaning (plural) and not
singular. This is where the importance of language hermeneutics to interpret
human existence, especially in relation to God as the Supreme Reality.

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