MAKNA KERJA DALAM AJARAN SOSIAL GEREJA Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Ensiklik Laborem Exercens Dan Ensiklik Rerum Novarum

Yohanes Hendro Pranyoto


Everyone has to work. By working, people can sustain their life and they also
change the face of the world. In some points, everyone has different meanings
about work. This writing wants to describe the true meaning of work according
to the teachings of the Church. This writing uses library research type. The
primary data source in this paper consists of two documents (Encyclical)
namely Encyclical Laborem Exercens by Pope John Paul II and Encyclical
Rerum Novarum written by Pope Leo XIII. In these two encyclicals, the
essential meaning of work is the activity that man undertakes to sustain
and develop his life. The call to work also shows that humans as partners of
God’s work to develop the world. As God’s working partner, the archetype of
human labor is adapted to God’s actions in the world: creating, nurturing and

Teks Lengkap:



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