Hironimus Bandur


The house of worship is seen as a small part of the religious entity of Indonesian
society. But can not hide the fact that the house of worship closed to a
contacting area of conflict-prone. The discourses of religious houses of worship
should be the object of serious discussion until they have a comfortable place
in the hearts of all religious communities. It is a phenomenal fact, in which
the establishment of the house of worship has become an area of competition
for justice and freedom as well as tolerance among Indonesian religious
communities. Governments in cooperation with interfaith leaders continually
strive to revise the law and policy products governing the religious life of the
people, in the hope that legal production becomes a tool to connect the facts
of Indonesia’s differences in many things including religion. Therefore, it’s
needed an emancipative, equalitive and inclusive law products. In 2006, the
government issued a legal basis for the dissemination of religious houses of
worship in Indonesia, called the “Peraturan Bersama Menteri” (PBM). The
government proves the presence of the state in the matter of building a house
of worship, through PBM numb. 9 and 8 2006. But it turns out after the
implementation of the PBM, the issue surrounding the establishment of the
house of worship even increased by almost the same reason that paradigm
majority versus minorities tend to destructive, clash of view to differences and
also even including legal formulation an sich that needs to be revised.

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