Viktorinus Raja Odja


Human life in this world is not immortal. All men will die. The heavenly
welfare became the life purpose of the Christians. Death became the entrance
to the eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. The view of death and faith in
life after death gave hope that all believers have a place in the kingdom of
heaven. After death, the souls of all the faithful will be directly judged at the
end of time, all mankind will be judged in front of God. At this point, the soul
of the believer will be determined whether to go to the heaven or the hell. Sin
and error make the human being must purify them first in purgatory. The
eternal life and heavenly bliss with God and all His saints are the hope and
the ultimate goal of the entire pilgrimage of human life.

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Divine Judgment,

Judgment., diakses pada tgl. 5 Maret 2013.


diakses pada tgl. 22 Feberuari 2013.


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